Form 941 Penalties - Late Filing, Late Payment & Failure to File

| Last Updated: February 27, 2025

Written by Stephanie Glanville

Stephanie Glanville is the Marketing Manager of TaxBandits. She has several years of experience with IRS tax forms and the funtionality of TaxBandits. With a passion to help business owners better understand their IRS tax forms and filing, she aims to create content that is valuable and informative.

Have errors on your 941 Form? Easily file corrections (Form 941-X) with TaxBandits. !

If you own and operate a business with employees, you will need to know when to deposit and file Forms 941, and 944. If you are depositing taxes late or filing your return, the IRS will impose penalties.

Businesses that don’t meet their tax obligations may owe a penalty. The IRS may impose penalties for several reasons, including failure to:

  • File a 941 return on time
  • Pay owed taxes on time and correctly
  • Submit an accurate tax return
  • Provide correct and timely returns